FBR Stenotypist Past Paper 04-09-2022 MCQs

FBR Stenotypist Past Paper 04-09-2022 MCQs

Who Presented Lahore Resolution (Pakistan Resolution) on 23rd March,1940?

  1. Allama Iqbal
  2. A.K Fazlul-Haq
  3. Quaid e Azam Muhammad ALi Jinnah
  4. Liaquat Ali Khan

Pakistan and Afghanistan border is known as :

  1. Durand line
  2. Mechmohan line
  3. Line of control
  4. None

Who was the first foreign minister of Pakistan?

  1. Liaqat Ali Khan
  2. Quaid e azam
  3. Muhammad Ali
  4. Zafrullah Khan

Dr. Abdul Salam won the Nobel Prize for physics in the year:

  1. 1996
  2. 1979
  3. 1964
  4. 1981
  5. None of these

Famous worrier changhiz khan belong to present day

  1. China
  2. Mangolia
  3. South Korea
  4. Japan

Islamabad is the _______ largest city of Pakistan.

  1. 8th
  2. 10th
  3. 11th
  4. 9th

Which city of Pakistan is a Metropolitan city ?

  1. Karachi
  2. Hafizabad
  3. Both
  4. None

UNO was formed in?

  1. 10 October 1945
  2. 14 October 1945
  3. 24 October 1945
  4. 28 October 1945

The first Governor-General of the Dominion of India was

  1. Lord Mountbatten
  2. Lord canning
  3. Jawahr Lal Nehru
  4. Warren Hasting

The Fourteen points of Jinnah demanded reforms in the provinces of:

  1. Sindh and Balochistan
  2. Kpk and Punjab
  3. Balochistan and kpk
  4. Bengal and Asma

Balochistan covers how much percentage of area of Pakistan

  1. 43.6 %
  2. 23%
  3. 29%
  4. none

Ex-FATA comprises of _______?

  1. 7 Agencies
  2. 5 Agencies
  3. 6 Agencies
  4. 8 Agencies
  5. None of these

Who is the only Civil Martial Law Administrator :

  1. Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto
  2. Ayub Khan
  3. Skindar Mirza
  4. None

Pakistan is the winner of Hockey World Cup in ________ ?

  1. 1971
  2. 1978
  3. 1982
  4. 1994
  5. All of these

Which is the third largest city of Pakistan?

  1. Rawalpindi
  2. Faisalabad
  3. Hyderabad
  4. Sialkot
  5. None of these

Which was the first public airline of Pakistan?

  1. North West airline
  2. Pakistan International airline
  3. Orinental airline
  4. Orient airline
  5. Non

When first constitution of Pakistan was enforced?

  1. 8th June 1956
  2. 23rd March 1956
  3. 14th August 1956
  4. 25th December 1956
  5. 12nd March 1948

When was Indus Water Treaty signed?

  1. September 19, 1950
  2. September 19, 1960
  3. September 19, 1965
  4. September 19, 1973
  5. None of the above

What is the worlds largest living mammal ?

  1. Wheel
  2. Fish
  3. turtle
  4. None

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