Tehsildar GK Past Paper 2021 (Evening) for preparation.
Who is the incumbent Secretary-general of SAARC
A) H.E Bharat Raj
B) Wajiha Akram
C) Esala Ruwan Weerakoon
D) None of these
End note is placed at the—- of the document in MS Word.
A) Start
B) End
C) Middle
D) None of these
The default name of the newly created MS Word file is
A) My file 1
B) Text 1
C) Document 1
D) None of these
ppt is the extension of
A) Excel
B) PowerPoint
C) Word
D) None of these
——is used for presenting one own work, report or performance
A) MS Word
B) MS Excel
C) MS PowerPoint
D) None of these
—–is used for transferring from the Internet to your computer
D) None of these
In MS Word—– is used to put an item a little below the normal text
A) CTRL + $
B) CTRL + =
C) CTRL + &
D) None of these
__ pane cannot be found in Power Point
A) Clip Art
B) Word Art
C) Search results
D) None of these
—are the methods to insert section breaks in MS Word
A) Odd page
B) Even page
C) Next page
D) All of these
—-is the correct format of an email address
A) You&website.com
B) YouScom.pk
C) You@website.info
D) None of these
In MS PowerPoint motion effects can be applied to the object of a slide by——-
A) Animation scheme
B) Style scheme
C) Color scheme
D) None of these
Which shortcut key combination reset highlighted text to a default font in MS Word
A) CTRL+ Backspace
B) CTRL+ Spacebar
D) None of these
—–is used for arranging data ascending/descending order in MS Excel
A) Data, order
B) Data, sort
C) Data, all
D) None of these
Which key is used for pasting the copied text
D) None of these (CTRL+V)
Which key is used to check spell mistakes
B) F7
C) F9
D) None of these
—- command is used to convert word documents to PDF document
A) ) Print
B) Save
C) Save as
D) None of these
IP stands for
A) Internet Process
B) Internet Protocol
C) Internet Procedure
D) None of these
Internet is which enables us to share information with other people
A) Network of devices in an office
B) Network of devices in a country
C) Network of network around the world
D) None of these
Which statement about internet is true
A) Internet is a world-wide global system of interconnected computer networks.
B) Internet uses the standard internet Protocol TCP/IP
C) Both A & B
D) None of these
—-is the storage area for the email account
A) Mailbox
B) Attachment
C) Hyperlink
D) None of these
The default orientation of the printed page is
A) Page setup
B) Landscape
C) Print view
D) None of these (Portrait)
In MS Word CTRL+E is used to align the text in—–side of a paragraph
A) Left
B) Center
C) Right
D) None of these
——-allows to prepare and send the same letter to different persons
A) Small merge
B) Large merge
C) All merge
D) None of these (Mail merge)
In MS Excel name box is used to obtain——- of the current cell
A) Coordinates
B) Address
C) Formatting
D) None of these
Which key is used to adds comments in Excel
A) Alt+F2
B) Shift+F2
C) Ctrl+F2
D) None of these
MS Excel is:
A) System software
B) Driver
C) Application software
D) None of these
—–allow going from one webpage to another web page
A) Hypertext
B) Hyperlink
C) Hyper image
D) None of these
In MS Office CTRL+W is used to the current window
A) Open
B) Close
C) Start
D) None of these
CTRL+A is used for select text
A) Whole
B) Pad of text of highlighted text
C) Numerical
D) None of these
Which surah of Holy Quran is graded as 1/3 of Holy Quran:
A) Al-Fatiha
B) Al-lkhlaas
C) Al-Baqarah
D) None of these
The real name of Shah Wali Ullah is
A) Qutb-ud-din
B) Abdullah
C) Ahmad
D) None of these
The total number of Madni surah’s in Holy Quran is
A) 29
B) 28
C) 27
D) None of these
The speed of sound is maximum when
A) Air a 0 °C
B) Water at 25 °C
C) Water at 90 °C
D) None of these
The gemstone ruby is actually—– with traces of some other elements
A) Pure Rubidrum
B) Aluminum Oxide
C) Rubidium Oxide
D) None of these
Business with the help of the internet is called:
A) Courier service
B) E-Commerce
C) Credit card
D) None of these
In a mixture of 60 liters, the ratio of milk and water is 2:1. What amount of water must be added to make the ratio of milk and water as 1:2?
A) 10
B) 20
C) 60
D) None of these
With no air resistance regardless of their masses, the bodies fall with
A) Same acceleration
B) Different acceleration
C) Same velocity
D) None of these
The literal meaning of Islam is:
A) to bow down the neck
B) to seek safety
C) to obey
D) All of these
2021 Nobel prize of medicine given to
A) David Julius
B) Ardem Patapoutian
C) Both A & B
D) None of these
Khunjrab pass connects Pakistan with:
A) Afghanistan
B) China
C) India
D) None of these
Which battle is called Youm ul Furqan:
A) Battle of Ohad
B) Battle of Badr
C) Battle of Trench
D) None of these
Kaleem Ullah is the title of
A) Hazrat Adam AS
B) Hazrat Musa AS
C) Hazrat Isa AS
D) None of these
Israel is the title of:
A) Hazrat Younus AS
B) Hazrat Yaqoob AS
C) Hazrat Ishaq AS
D) None of these
The important part of Hajj is
A) Saee
B) Waqoof-e-Arafat
C) Tawaf
D) None of these
The name of a companion of Holy Prophet SAW mentioned in Holy Quran
A) Hazrat Usman bin Affan RA
B) Hazrat Zaid bin Sabit RA
C) Hazrat Zaid bin Haris RA
D) None of these
The—– are actual dried flowers bud used as spice.
A) Cinnamon
B) Cloves
C) Saffron
D) None of these
Where the famous building Chauburji is located:
A) Karachi
B) Hyderabad
B) Lahore
D) None of these
Who was Muhammad Ali Bogra:
A) Minister of state
B) Foreign Minister
C) Law Minister
D) None of these
Which South Asian country get no monsoons rains
A) India
B) Bangladesh
C) Bhutan
D) None of these
Which Country plans to buy 12 JF-17A Block-Ill fighter jets from Pakistan:
A) Uganda
B) Chili
C) Argentina
D) None of these