Culture and Symbolic Transformation in Sociology

 Culture and Symbolic Transformation in Sociology Question and answers focusing on how cultural symbols, language, and practices shape social identity, behaviors, and relationships. Understand how cultural meanings evolve over time and influence societal change, norms, and values.

 Culture and Symbolic Transformation in Sociology

The religious organisation Arya Samaj was established by: Swami Dayananda Saraswati

Which one of the following is not the characteristics of culture: It is found both in the animal and the human society

Who often marry within a caste or community: Indian people

Indian religious belief create problem for which group more: Communalists are intensely involved with:

When people, living on the borders of two culture areas share feature from both the ‘ways of living’, those areas are called-: Marginal areas

Find out the incorrect match: Linton ⇔ Contra culture

Cultural diffusion can start only form: Anywhere

Those cultural complexes which develop quickly: Are more influential than others

The Report of the State Reorganisation Commission was inplemented on: 1st November, 1956

“Culture becomes a civilization only when it possesses written language, science, philosophy specialised division.” Whose observation is this: Arnold Green

One cannot understand, interpret and evaluate one culture without comparing it with another culture. This is known as-: Cultural relativism

Essential characteristic of cultural lag is: Change

Spirituality is the state of a person’s life in which he acts on: Believes

Determining the aim of education is the responsibility of: Society

Which of the following property is basically not included in education: Personality

Which Article of the Constitution prohibits the state from discriminating between citizens on the grounds of religion: Article 15

Culture is not -: Innate

A system of principles and values concerning people’s behaviour which is generally accepted by a society is called: Morality

There is the danger of the dominant group’s culture being treated as: National culture

. . . . . . . . is today the main spokesman for ‘culture determinism’: Leslie White

What is not applicable to cultural lag: It is possible to find out whether the change had occurred or not

When two nations are at war, . . . . . . . . in each nation see the other as the enemy aggressor: Patriots

When a whole way of life is in a process of change under the influence of another culture, we call it -: Acculturation

Ruth Benedict characterised type of personality as poised, restrained and serene: Apollonian

Which of the following statement best defines the term social mobility: It refers to the change in wealth and social status of individuals or families

The Indian Constitution declares the state to be a: Secular state

Magna Carta’ granted human rights which was chartered by: King John in 1215

In the early 19th century which of the following people proclaimed the presence of superior and Inferior races: Gobinean, Chamberlian and Lapouge

Jyotiba Phule recalled the glory of pre-Aryan age while Bal Gangadhar Tilak emphasised the glory of: Aryan period

The term Ethnocentrism is derived from a Greek word ‘ethnos’ meaning: Nation

What among the middle class makes generational difference more complex: Rural feeling

Who has given the super-organic view of culture: Spencer

Which of the following plays an important role in attaining formal education: School

Who is the author of the book ‘The Science of Culture’: Leslie White

Gender is a: Sociological concept

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