Class structure first developed in: Agricultural society
According to Weber, class forms: Only one of the possible bases of power
In post-Independence India the state was committed to the abolition of: Caste
Which one of the following was not the characteristic of merchant guilds: These ensured that activities of the guilds were confined to the village
Which of the following is incorrect of gender role: Matriarchies existed in the past but were overthrown by men
Which factor among the following have not weakened the caste system: The policy of reservations
The dysfunction of caste from economic point of view is: Hinderance to the mobility of labour
Social evolution is an example of: Long-term, large-scale change
A social institution is a structure of society that is organised to meet the needs of people chiefly through well established procedure is given by: Bogardus
A change in social position that does not alter a person’s status is: Horizontal mobility
Which of the following has been a result of globalisation on Indian Economy: Deregulation of labour protection leading to massive growth of contract labour and sub contracting
The regular ten-yearly exercise of causes had begun in the: 1860s
The maintenance provided by the husband to the divorced wife is called: Alimony
According to Marx the peasantry cannot be revolutionary class because: They are traditional in outlook
The process of social change to which people attribute positive values is termed as: Development
Which of the following is an institution: Family
A medical student playing the role of student i.e. the correlative status of his teacher also is an example of: Role set
In their book ‘Symmetrical Family’ Young and Willmott attempt to trace the development of the family from pre-industrial: England to the present day
Which one of the following correctly defines the concept of social structure: The enduring, orderly and patterned relationships between elements of a society
Who among the following distinguishes modern society from earlier societies as risk society: Ulrich Beck
Who among the following is a critic of ‘Kingsley Davis’ Theory of Social Stratification: M. M. Tumin
Institutional structure of a political institution is: Form of government
Which one of the following characteristics correctly explains the term ‘institution’ sociologically: A set of related folkways and mores integrated around a principle
Which one of the following is not the characteristic of a community: Language
Which one of the followingis a base of ‘Ascribed Status’: Sex
The term ‘status group’ was coined by: Max Weber
Anonymity is a feature of . . . . . . . . community: Urban community
A common method used for the study of social institution is: Historical method
What does the process of acculturation refer to: The assimilation by one group of the culture of another that modifies the culture and so changes group identity
It is believed that conformity with the customs is: An automatic process
Who gave the concept of ‘Community of Meaning’: Anthony P. Cohen
In which one of the following residence married couples go to live with a brother of the groom’s mother: Avunculocal residence
Who among the following has considered that history fluctuates between two kinds of culture-sensate and ideational during the phase of social change: Sorokin
Hindu Marriage Act of 1955, permits divorce on the grounds of: Insanity, leprosy and adultery
Networks can exist in which of the following set of environments: Unstructured and highly formalised
Which one of the following is correct with regard to the difference between a proletariat and a slave: Proletariat is a free wage labourer while slave is not
In a family, the grandfather was a potter in a village and father taught in a school of a town and now son is an engineer in a multi-national company in a metro city. This illustrates: Inter-generational Mobility