Central to Durkheim’s functionalism was a distinction between which forms of social organisation: Normal and pathological
Who defined religion in terms of a distinction between the sacred and the profane: E. Durkheim
Malinowski is best known for emphasising the importance of which one of the following: Ethnography
Which of these terms do Ethnomethodologists use in order to describe the ways social actors explain specific situations: Accounts
Who classified action in logical and non-logical categories: V. Pareto
The state exists and should aim at “the greatest good of all.” Who is the author of these words: Gandhi
Which among the following thinkers have not accepted that the State has an ethical purpose: Marx
Who said that the history of all hitherto existing societies is the history of class struggle: Karl Marx
Of the following, who has written on ‘self-fulfilling prophecy’: R. K. Merton
“Thus we should not think of the difference between magic and religion as a rigid dichotomy . . . .” Who said this: Davis
“Society is a consciousness of the kind” is the definition of; Giddings
Whose words are, “O Faith, endow us with belief”: Vedas
A French Philosopher has influenced very much the sociological thinking by drawing a methodology of human language. Who is he: J. Derrida
“Sociology is the science of understanding of the meaning of social action.” The proceeding statement was made by: Max Weber
Who is the author of the book “The Language of Post-Modern Architecture”: Jenek
Who did attributional and interactional analysis of caste system: Surajit Sinha
Who among the following observed that the Chief Executives and the very rich are one and the same group in the U.S.A.: C. W. Mills
The book entitled ‘Politics of the Kula Ring’ was written by: Peter Blan
Who made a distinction between ‘class in-itself’ and ‘class for itself’ to reflect the movement from a class’s potential self-awareness to actual self-awareness: Karl Marx
Manuel has given the scenario assessing the impact of II on a global societyin his monumental work: Three Volume Work
Parsons analysis of social system is based on the principle of: Homeostasis
In his work mind, self and society, Mead gave priority to: Society
Gandhi said, “For me there can be no politics without”: Service
Who has written the book Phenomenology of Mind: G. W. F. Hegel
Who wrote the work ‘Presentation of Self in Everyday Life’ in 1959: E. Goffman
Who is the author of the book Ethnic Plurality in India: R. A. Schermerhorn
Who opined that “a scientific-empirical study of Indian society is not possible”: A. K. Serom