Health and Physical Education MCQs

Health and Physical Education MCQs with answers for all classes exams and teachers test preparation online.

​Health and Physical Education MCQs

Who is start the volleyball match :

A. Umpire
B. captain
C. referee
D. scorer

Who is the chief of supervisor in volleyball game?

A. coach
B. scorer
C. assistant scorer
D. Referee

How many line judges use in volleyball game?

A. 4+4
B. 2+6
C. 3+6
D. 2+4

Referee responsibilities is :

A. control warm up area
B. check equipment
C. playing area
D. all of these

Why do a person feel shaking and his heart is shaking?

A. Deprivation
B. Loss of memory
C. Excessive exercise
D. Use of junk food

What is the dangerous heart rate during exercise?

A. 185 beats per mins
B. !80 heart beat per mins
C. 170 heat beat per mins
D. 160 heart beat per mins

What is the red juice of steak called?

A. purge
B. Red meat
C. Red blood
D. None of these

What will happened when someone hemoglobin is low?

A. A person feel tired
B. A person feel happy
C. A person feel excited
D. None of these

A red protein transporting oxygen in the blood of vertebrate is called?

A. Hemoglobin
B. Myoglobin
C. Red blood
D. White cells

sacrum vertebras consist of :

A. 5 bones
B. 6 bones
C. 4 bones
D. 3 bones

How much water a normal person need in a day?

A. 3 gallon
B. 4 gallon
C. 2 gallon
D. half gallon a day

The average athlete heart rate during marathon race?

A. 160 beats
B. 180 beats
C. 145beats
D. 120 beats

What is an Athlete ideal resting hear rate?

A. 30-40beats
B. 40-45 beats
C. 45-50 beats
D. None of these

How long do people Heart problem usually live?

A. More then 5 years
B. less then 5 years
C. less then 6 years
D. more then 6 years

Which mineral is helpful for water balance in the body?

A. Calcium
B. Potassium K+
C. Zinc
D. Phosphorus

What is zinc good for :

A. Help in immune system
B. Help to digest food
C. Help cardiac activity
D. Help to improve memory

Muscle weakness is mainly due to :

A. aging
B. Eat Junk food
C. Use a lot soft drinks
D. None of these

What is the best test to check up the heart problems?

D. None of these

The following is the Heart test?

A. Halter Mounter
B. Galvanometer
C. Ammeter
D. None of these

The aim of the First step is is to look for sign of the disease in Question?

A. Screening Test
B. Brain Test
C. Cardio Test
D. None of these

What is the most common Muscle disease?

D. None of these

Which country eat healthiest food?

A. London
B. America
C. Spain
D. None of these

Which mineral Absorbs better with vitamin C?

A. Zinc
B. Iron
C. Calcium
D. Phosphorus

Which vitamin is the most beneficial for health?

A. Vitamin A
B. Vitamin C
C. Vitamin D
D. Vitamin K

What is the healthiest drink beside water?

A. Cold drinks
B. Mango shakes
C. Green tea
D. None of these

Which fruit has maximum Sugar :

A. Figs
B. Blueberries
C. Avocados
D. None of these

Which sleeping position is best for Heart :

A. Right Side
B. Left Side
C. Upward
D. DownWard

Which fruit Is best for Healthy Heart?

A. Orange
B. Apple
C. Blueberries
D. Mango

Which food should be avoid with cardiomyopathy :

A. Cured & processed Meats
B. Chicken
C. Snacks
D. Brown Bread

How long can a patient live with cardiomyopathy?

A. 5 year
B. 7 years
C. 9years
D. 10 years

What are the early warning sign of Cirrhosis of the liver?

A. Nausea
B. Fatigue
C. Muscles weakness
D. Low BP

What are the sign when liver is not functioning Properly?

A. Abdominal pain
B. Liver pain
C. Muscles soreness
D. None of these

The following cause is a disease of liver?

A. Use of Alcohol
B. Use of soft Drinks
C. Use of junk food
D. do a lot of exercise

Which of following is healthiest snack :

A. Simple Bread
B. Lower Fat yogurt
C. High fat cheese
D. None of these

Which fruit should be avoid during weight Loss?

A. Mango
B. Guava
C. Grapes
D. None of these

The following fruit increase weight?

A. Avocados
B. Orange
C. Apple
D. Grapes

How many calories in one Ripe banana?

A. 90
B. 95
C. 100
D. 110

Which component primarily carries heat within the body?

A. Food
B. Water
C. Oxygen
D. Pressure

The force of water exerts on a system is referred to as the :

A. Hydrostatic Pressure
B. Osmotic Pressure
C. Atmospheric Pressure
D. None of these

The following are the essential need pf body except which one :

A. Water
C. Set point
D. Pressure

When a doctor takes someone Temperature, they are directly assessing a :

A. Metabolic Activity
B. Sigh of Health
C. Vital Sign
D. None of these

The removal of a compound that the body no longer required is called?

A. Secretion
B. Excretion
C. Assimilation
D. Digestion

The study of dealing with the explanation how organ work in the body :

A. Psychology
B. Physiology
C. Morphology
D. None of these

Anatomy is a term which means the study of :

A. Physiology
B. Morphology
C. Cell Function
D. Human Function

The Function of platelets is :

A. Initiate Blood Clotting
B. Repair Tissue
C. Control BP
D. None of these

Blue Babies have in their heart an unnatural hole in the :

A. Sinoatrial node
B. Left atrio ventricular septum
C. Connective tissue in the heart
D. None of these

Purkinje fiber are special type of :

A. Muscle fiber located in heart
B. Cells of the Brain
C. Nerve cells
D. None of these

Angina Pectoris is due to :

A. Defective Thymus
B. Defective Infection
C. Inadequate supply of oxygen to the heart Muscles
D. None of these

A Rhythmic Beating of Cardiac muscle in a Mammalian heart is initiated by the :

A. Article
B. Ventricle
C. Sinoatrial node
D. Atrioventricular node

Pulse wave is caused by :

A. Systole of the Atria
B. Diastole of the Arteria
C. Systole of the Left ventricle
D. Systole of the Right Ventricle

The middle Muscular layer of the Heart is Known :

A. Endocardium
B. Pericardium
C. Epicardium
D. Myocardium

The Human Cell Contains ______ Chromosomes?

A. 44 Chromosomes
B. 45 Chromosomes
C. 46 Chromosomes
D. 50 Chromosomes

Lungs are situated in the :

A. Abdominal Cavity
B. Thoracic Cavity
C. Buccal cavity
D. None of these

Lock jaw difficulty open the mouth is due to symptom :

A. Cholera
B. Tetanus
C. Plague
D. None of these

Insulin is injected into the intestine by :

A. Liver
B. Heart
C. Lungs
D. Gall Bladder

Barium is used for :

A. X-ray of alimentary canal
C. Checking Blood group
D. None of these

Biopsy is done for :

A. Tissue taken by Living body
B. Tissues Taken from Brain
C. Cells taken from Blood
D. None of these

ECG is used for diagnosis of Aliments of :

A. Brain
B. Heart
C. Kidney
D. Lungs

Bronchitis is the disease of which organ :

A. Blood
B. Liver
C. Bladder
D. Respiratory Tract

Typhoid and Cholera are typical example of.?

A. Air Bone disease
B. Water Borne Disease
C. Infection Disease
D. None of these

Short sidedness can be correct by using :

A. Convex lenses
B. Concave lenses
C. Concave-concave lense
D. convex-convex lense

Lack of____is a cause of Diabetes _____?

A. Sugar
B. Calcium
C. Vitamins
D. Insulin

Leukemia is disease of the :

A. Lungs
B. Blood
C. Skin
D. Heart

Medulla oblongata is a part of Human :

A. Heart
B. Liver
C. Brain
D. None of these

A person of which the following blood groups is called a universal donor?

A. O
C. A-
D. A+

Which is the largest gland in human body?

A. Lungs
B. Liver
C. Pancreas
D. None of these

Appendix is a part of which organ :

A. Small Intestine
B. Large Intestine
C. Liver
D. Stomach

The function of Hemoglobin is :

A. Transport Oxygen
B. Help to digest food
C. Remove waste from Body
D. None of these

The main function of Kidney is?

A. Control BP
B. Control Body Temperature
C. Help to digest food
D. Remove waste products

The main constituent of Hemoglobin is?

A. Chlorine
B. Calcium
C. Iron
D. None of these

The main component of bone and teeth?

A. Calcium Carbonate
B. Calcium phosphate
C. Calcium Sulphate
D. Calcium Nitrate

The largest part of human brain is?

A. Medulla Oblongata
B. Cerebellum
C. Cerebrum
D. Spinal Cord

The pancreas secretes :

A. Insulin
B. Bile Juice
C. Peptic Juice
D. None of these

Red blood corpuscles are formed in the :

A. Liver
B. Bone Marrow
C. Kidney
D. Heart

Total volume of blood in a normal adult human being is?

A. 5-6 liters
B. 3-4 liters
C. 8-10 liters
D. 11- 12 liters

Which of the following Vitamin Help in blood clotting?

A. Vitamin B1
B. Vitamin B2
C. Vitamin C
D. Vitamin K

Infection of Ascaris occurs due to?

A. Contaminated food and water
B. Mosquito Bite
C. honey Bee
D. Sand Fly

Immune deficiency syndrome could develop due to :

A. Defective Thymus
B. Defective Liver
C. AIDS Virus
D. Weak Immune System

What is the normal body temperature of a person?

A. 81.10c
B. 36.9c
C. 98.6C
D. 21.7C

Typhoid is caused by Species of (DPMT)?

A. Streptococcus
B. salmonella
C. Staphylococcus
D. Mycobacterium

Excessive Bleeding from an injury is due to (BHU, MP, MPT)

A. Vitamin A
B. Vitamin B
C. Vitamin K
D. Vitamin E

The symptom of Typhoid called intestinal hemorrhage occur In _________week of infection?

A. 1st
B. 2nd
C. 3rd
D. 4th

Swine Flu is caused by?

C. Herpes zoster
D. Mumps virus

Inactive cancer Gene is called (MHT-CET)?

A. Transposon
B. Proto-oncogene
C. Tumor Promoter gene
D. Tumor Suppressor gene

Most of the Tumors (MHT-CET)?

A. Malignant
B. Benign
C. Related to carcinoma
D. Sample boils

Sarcoma is cancer of (MANIPAL)

A. Bones
B. Adipose Tissue
C. Connective Tissue
D. All of these

The Pathogen of Typhoid is directly Transmitted through?

A. Urine
B. water
C. blood
D. Cells

TAB vaccine is useful against (MTH-CET)?

A. Polio
B. Diarrhea
C. Typhoid
D. Diabetes

Olympaid refers to:

A. Olympics
B. period between two Olympics
C. Olympial medal
D. place in Greece

The city Olympia is in:

A. Rome
B. Italy
C. Greece
D. Germany

The term “Marathon” race is named after a:

A. person
B. place
C. Foot race
D. chariot race

who was the first recorded winner in ancient Olympic games?

A. Hera
B. Iphitos
C. Koroibos
D. couberiton

in 1916 Olympic was held in?

A. Paris
B. Mexico
C. Munich
D. Not held

Break between modern and ancient Olympics?

A. 13 centuries
B. 14 centuries
C. 15 centuries
D. 16 centuries

The first Olympics event lasted for how many days in 776B.C?

A. 1day
B. 2day
C. 3day
D. 4day

The physical growth of the child is most rapid?

A. up to 3 years
B. In 6 year
C. 19 years
D. 21 years

Which event was the first and the original event for Olympic?

A. Foot race
B. Chariot race
C. Boxing
D. wrestling

The Ancient Olympic were abolished.

A. Greek
B. Roman
C. Germans
D. Egyptians

Which country experienced physical education as a “Golden age”

A. Rome
B. Germany
C. Ancient Greek

which country host the first modern Olympic?

A. Greece
B. India
C. England
D. Germany

The Olympic banned in which emperor?

A. Aristotle
B. Theodosius
C. poseidon
D. none of these

What was the favourite pass time of romans

A. Music
B. Dance
C. games
D. Gladiatorial combats

The word Athlete originated?

A. Rome
B. India
C. Greece
D. china

Mud Bath was popular in:

A. Sparta
B. Athens
C. Rome
D. none of these

Meaning of word Athlete?

A. The contest
B. The prize
C. The slave
D. strong man

Greek used track for races?

A. straight
B. round
C. ovel
D. hilly

The main profession of Greek was?

A. Agriculture
B. poetry
C. playing
D. Music

In ancient Greek the “Apollo” was :

A. God of sea
B. God of healing
C. God of water
D. God of fire

In ancient Greek the “God of sky” was :

A. Poesidon
B. Apollo
C. Zeus
D. none of these

Oval ground is popular for which sports?

A. Cricket
B. baseball
C. football
D. bedminton

Which country host the first common wealth game.

A. Malaysia
B. china
C. japan
D. Pakistan

The duration of summer olympic games?

A. 16 days
B. 17 days
C. 18 days
D. 19 days

in which year olympic flag used?

A. 1896
B. 1996
C. 1920
D. 1924

Olympic flag used for first time?

A. Athens olympic
B. Atlanta olympic
C. Antwerp olympic
D. none of these

Winter Olympic held for first time?

A. 1923
B. 1924
C. 1925
D. 1926

Who was the pioneer of Medical Gymnastic?

A. Rousseau
B. Gestalt
C. Aristotle
D. Hypocrites

Agoge means:

A. Greece
B. roman
C. Iran
D. china

Which Mughal Emperor was associated with the game of “Polo”?

A. Baber
B. Aurangzaib
C. Jahangir
D. Akber

“Phillipides” was a?

A. Anthenian Greek
B. Spartan Greek
C. Roman
D. none of these

Olympic ring indicate?

A. Five continents
B. Five rivers
C. Five countries
D. Five Mountains

In Olympic 2012 which country won Maximum gold medals:

A. France
C. Pakistan
D. India

Olympics 2012 held in:

A. London
B. Paris
C. New York
D. Islamabad

Which Muslim ruler died after falling his horse while playing “polo”?

A. Baber
B. Jahangir
C. Akber
D. Qutub din aibek

In which olympics the drug are being used for performance enhancement :

A. Rome
B. seoul
C. Atlana
D. Barcelona

The word “athlete” in Greek means?

A. A city state
B. Money maker
C. Prize seeker
D. Races

Linear motion is example of :

A. straight running
B. curve running
C. circle running
D. motion running

The term “Fortius” in olympic motto denotes :

A. Higher
B. faster
C. stronger
D. jumper

The term “Altius” in olympic motto denotes :

A. higher
B. faster
C. stronger
D. jumper

Modern olympic started in :

A. 1986
B. 1896
C. 1924
D. 1930

How many countries are participated in first modern Olympics :

A. 11
B. 12
C. 13
D. 14

In Decathlon there are events :

A. 5
B. 6
C. 8
D. 10

In Pentathlon there are events :

A. 5
B. 6
C. 8
D. 10

In Heptathlon there are ______events?

A. 5
B. 6
C. 7
D. 10

How many hurdles are in standard track :

A. 10
B. 12
C. 14
D. 17

The women’s world record for pool vault in 2007?

A. 4m
B. 5.01m
C. 6m
D. 7m

“MERDAKA” cup is associated with :

A. Badminton
B. football
C. hockey
D. golf

How many hurdle races are there?

A. 2
B. 3
C. 4
D. 6

The high paid of footballer in the world :

A. Cristiano Ronaldo
B. roni
C. Kaka
D. Lionel Messi

Name of the agency of international Anti Doping.


How many world cup of football held :

A. 17
B. 18
C. 19
D. 21

The first football world cup played :

A. Italy
C. Uruguay
D. France

Who won the first cricket world cup :

A. West indies
B. Pakistan
C. England
D. India

First junior Hockey world cup was won by :

A. India
B. Australia
C. Pakistan
D. Germany

Hockey became in an Olympic event.

A. 1996
B. 1908
C. 1930
D. 1940

The national game of Brazil :

A. football
B. volleyball
C. hockey
D. wrestling

The first captain of Pakistan cricket team :

A. Faisal Mehmood
B. Abdul Hafeez kardar
C. Hanif Muhammad
D. Azhar Mehmood

National game of Switzerland :

A. football
B. cricket
C. shooting
D. skiing

The length of pitch in cricket match.

A. 24yards
B. 22yards
C. 23yards
D. 25yards

First Asian games was held in :

A. china
B. japan
C. Pakistan
D. India

The maximum circumference of football :

A. 70cm
B. 75cm
C. 85cm
D. 90cm

In which year of the FIFA established :

A. 1929
B. 1904
C. 1936
D. 1902

The width of the lane of standard track.

A. 1.22 cm
B. 1.22mtr
C. 4cm
D. 4mtr

when was Hockey introduced in the Asian games?

A. Tokyo
B. Bombay
C. china
D. Manila

The direction of standard running track shall be :

A. south to North
B. East to West
C. North to south
D. North to West

Word “Tea off” is associated with which game?

A. Soccer
B. Badminton
C. Tennis
D. Golf

weight of Javeline for Men is :

A. 700grm
B. 800grm
C. 900grm
D. 1000grm

President of IOC is :

A. Thomas loyal
B. Thomas Bach
C. Thomas morgan
D. william james

IOC headquarter in :

A. Switzerland
B. Brazil
C. Greece
D. England

There shall be lanes of standard professional track :

A. 9
B. 8
C. 18
D. 10

The standard running track is :

A. 800m
B. 400m
C. 1500m
D. 1000m

Which one is not include in long Distance race?

A. 1500 meter
B. 3000 steeple chase
C. cross country
D. marathon

Sprint Race ____ meters.

A. 100
B. 800
C. 1500
D. 2500

After how many years Thomas cup and uber cup tournament in Badminton held?

A. after 2years
B. after 4 years
C. Biannually
D. Quarterly

During a Hockey match, if the ball is stuck in the goalkeeper Pads the game is Resorted :

A. By toss
B. By side line
C. By centre pass
D. By Bully

Where was the world cup Hockey (Men) tournament held at _____ in 1996?

A. England
B. Germany
C. Holland
D. Europe

Which of the grand slam tournament starts of the first day of every year?

A. Australian open
B. French open
C. US open
D. Wimbledon

In sprint race _____ system is used.

A. Anaerobic
B. Aerobic

Dick Fosbury who invented the “Fosbury Flop” style in high jump event belongs to :

B. Canada
C. Russia
D. Germany

Water percentage in plasma is :

A. 90%
B. 60%
C. 70%
D. 50%

The drugs that develop Calms are known:

A. Diuresis
B. Steroids
C. Narcotics
D. Insulin

“PUGILISTS” are also known:

A. Archers
B. Athletes
C. Boxers
D. chess players

Dronacharya award is given:

A. Best player
B. Best organizer
C. Successful coach
D. Best physical Education Teacher

Tiger wood is related to?

A. Golf
B. snooker
C. Polo
D. Billiards

Common wealth games are held after every _____ year.

A. 2
B. 3
C. 4
D. 5

The Greatest Normal Load is called?

A. Maximum load
B. overload
C. crest load
D. normal load

Which of the following Asian countries hosted the first common wealth games?

A. china
B. Japan
C. Malaysia
D. India

Asian games were First time held in?

A. Beijing
B. India
C. Bangkok
D. China

Which one of the following team consists of both men & women players?

A. Softball
B. volleyball
C. Netball
D. korfball

How many types of swimming competitions are there?

A. 2
B. 3
C. 4
D. 5

Shuttle run test Measures:

A. Agility
B. power
C. strength
D. Endurance

On _____ William Morgan invented the game volley Ball?

A. 1894
B. 1896
C. 1895
D. 1924

‘Deduscaleum’ was a place for

A. Music & Grammar
B. Dance & aerobics
C. wrestling & Boxing
D. Races & Throws

The word “DISKOS’ means:

A. A thing of catching
B. A thing of Throwing
C. A thing of pushing
D. A thing of playing

A sexually transmitted Bacterial Disease?

B. Syphilis
C. Herpes
D. Diabetes

Aids is due to (BHU)?

A. Reduction in number of helper T-cells
B. Reduction in Number of Killer T-cells
C. Non Production of Interferons
D. None of these

Which of the following is vital Disease?

A. Diabetes
B. Tatanus
C. Leprosy
D. Poliomyelitis

Which of the following Specimen is tested for the Detection of carrier typhoid?

A. Blood
B. Urine
C. Feces
D. Sputum

The number of the lane of standard running track shall be given from :

A. left to right
B. right to left
C. both of these
D. none of these

The cell which act as parasites in the body MHT-CET)?

A. Schwann cells
B. Hepatocytes
C. Kupffer’s cells
D. Cancer cells

Aids Virus Spreads in the body through (MHT-CET)?

A. Suppressor T-Cells
B. Carrier T-Cells
C. Helper T-Cells
D. Killer T-cells

Which of the disease is communicable disease?

A. Rickets
B. Amoebiasis
C. Cancer
D. Diabetes

Which law relates to a person right to choose weather they want treatment or not?

A. The misuse of drug act 1971
B. The Health & safety at work act 1974
C. The mental capacity 2005
D. None of these

Which of these things is Health Psychology Concerned with?

A. Causes of illness
B. How illness to be treated
C. who is responsible of Illness
D. All of these

Which of these is not an example of Health Behaviour?

A. Exercise
B. Eat Healthy Food
C. Join Gym
D. smoking

Which of these is not an element of Health belief model?

A. Threat
B. Expectations
C. Cure
D. Socio-demographic factor

Which of the stage is change of model?

A. Study
B. Contemplation
C. Meditation
D. None of these

What is the term mortality refer to?

A. Death
B. Health
C. Illness
D. Well being

Health is complete physical, mental and ______ well being & not merely the Absence of Disease

A. Social
B. Emotional
C. occupational
D. Spiritual

Smallest bone in Human Body is?

A. Stapes
B. Phalange
C. Radius
D. Fibula

The strongest bone in human body is?

A. Femur
B. Tibia
C. Ulna
D. Wrist bone

BMR is define?

A. Basel Metabolic rate
B. Body mass rate
C. Basic Mass Rate
D. None of these

How many calories an Adult burn a day without doing any exercise?

A. 1800 kal
B. 1900 kal
C. 2500 kal
D. None of these

An Adult need Calcium per day?

A. 2000 mg
B. 2500 mg
C. 3000mg
D. 3500mg

What food increase bone strength?

A. Calcium
B. Vitamin
C. Fats
D. Carbohydrates

The Building block of a living thing is called?

A. Cell
B. Cell Membrane
C. Blood
D. None of these

The Ability of an Individual to pass on their genes to Subsequent Generation?

A. Muscular System
B. Reproductive System
C. Digestive System
D. None of these

Biceps Muscles are located in?

A. Upper Arm
B. Lower Arm
C. Neck
D. Lower Leg

Synonym of heart attack is?

A. Myocardial Infraction
B. Leprosy
C. Tetanus
D. None of these

Which of yhe following is not a type of joint?

A. fibrous
B. Ossified
C. Cartilaginous
D. Synovial

The following from the elbow joint except:

A. Scapula
B. Radius
C. Ulna
D. Humerus

Strongest ligaments of the hip joint is :

A. Pubofemoral
B. Ileufemoral
C. Ischiofemoral
D. none

Zygomatic bone is present in :

A. Upper extremities
B. Lower Extremities
C. Vertebral column
D. Skull

During the abduction the arm moves :

A. Twards the body
B. Away from the body
C. In front of the chest
D. none

Lordosis is also called :

A. Round Back
B. Hollow back
C. Lateral Back
D. Back curve

In Isometric contraction, the muscles :

A. shortens
B. Lengthens
C. Neither short or Lengthens
D. short ness as well as lengthens

Synovial joint Hamstrung muscles are :

A. Slightly movable
B. Freely movable
C. Both A & B
D. none

bones cells are also called :

A. Osteoblast
B. Osteocytes
C. Osteoclast
D. Osteoprosis

sacrum vertebras consist of :

A. 5 bones
B. 6 bones
C. 4 bones
D. 3 bones

Hollow muscular organ is :

A. Liver
B. stomach
C. Heart
D. Brain

In human anatomical positions palms should be :

A. Upward
B. Forward
C. Anterior
D. Posterior

The movement of Hand where the thumb touches the 5th finger:

A. Protraction
B. Suppination
C. Opposition
D. Dosriflexion

What is the forward inclination of the shoulder griddle called?

A. Round shoulder
B. Kyphosis
C. Scoliosis
D. Lordosis

The knee joint is a hinge joint between :

A. Femur & Tibia
B. Femur & febula
C. Humerus & Tibia
D. Humerus & Febula

Every movement has :

A. One Axis
B. One plane
C. One Axis & one plane
D. none

Joint in the phalanges and metacarpals are :

A. Pivot joint
B. Sagital plane
C. Hinge joint
D. condyloid joint

Knee joint is an example of :

A. Glidding joint
B. Pivot joint
C. Saddle joint
D. Hinge joint

The structure of which joint permits bending in only one direction is :

A. Pivot joint
B. Hinge joint
C. Glidding joint
D. Ball & socket

Freely movable joint is also called :

A. synerthrosis
B. Amphiarthroses
C. Diarthroses
D. Fibrous

The term systolic is refers to :

A. Contraction of heart
B. Relaxation of heart
C. Volume of heart
D. Output of heart

Which one is more proximal?

A. Humerus
B. ulna
C. Tallus
D. Fibula

Which bone is more distal to our body :

A. Radius
B. ulna
C. Tallus
D. Fibula

ovum in prenatal life is the period of :

A. Fertilization to the end of the first week
B. Second to eight week
C. Third to ten month
D. Neonatal period

Towards the back anatomical term contralateral refers to :

A. Same side of the body
B. opposite side of the body
C. Towards the belly
D. towards the back

inner layers of veins and arteries is called :

A. Tunica Media
B. Zonareticularis
C. continious layer
D. Mezoderm

Sino atrial node exist in :

A. Right auricle
B. Right ventricle
C. B/w left auricle & left ventricle
D. B/W right auricle & right ventricle

Pulmonary veins contains :

A. Oxygenated blood
B. Deoxgenated Blood
C. Plasma
D. Mitocondria

Which part of the heart pumps blood just to lungs?

A. Left Auricle
B. Left ventricle
C. right Auricle
D. Right ventricle

blood flow in heart is :

A. Unidirectional
B. Bidirectional
C. Tridirectional
D. Multidirectional

What is the resting stroke volume per beat of the heart is :

A. 20-40ml
B. 40-60ml
C. 60-80ml
D. 80-100ml

Name of the disease Which is categorized as Psychometric disease:

A. Diabetes
B. Asthma
C. Tuberclosis
D. Smallpox

Which of the following is carried by the blood?

A. Oxygen
B. Enzymes
C. Carbon dioxide
D. Harmon’z

Normal heart rate of a human being?

A. 82 beats per minute
B. 72 beat per minute
C. 92 beat per minute
D. 52 beats perminute

Multipennate Muscles refers to :

A. Tibialus posterior
B. Deltoid
C. Sartorius
D. Hemstring

Unipennate Muscles refers :

A. Tibialus posterior
B. Deltoid
C. Sartorius
D. Rectus femur

Example of fusiform Muscles :

A. Brachioradialis
B. Hemstring
C. Rhomboid Major
D. Pectorails Major

Example of Quadrate Muscles is :

A. Rectus Abdomins
B. Rhomboid Major
C. Pectorails Major
D. Brachialis

Which is more contract then others:

A. Right Auricle
B. Right ventricle
C. Left Auricle
D. Left Ventricle

We can find out pulse rate in our :

A. Radial artey
B. Ulneartry
C. Axoalartry
D. Brachial artry

Renal Artery gives blood:

A. Liver
B. Kidney
C. Spleen
D. Appendix

Normal heart rate of a human being are about:

A. 50-70
B. 65-80
C. 90-120
D. 120-140

Formation of RBC’S in the end of :

A. short bones
B. Long bones
C. Muscles
D. Joints

Fault bones are of :

A. Shoulder Bones
B. Facial bones
C. Skull bones
D. Back bones

Concerned with the formation of RBC’S in the body:

A. Bone Marrow
B. Ligaments
C. Tendons
D. Joints

Gluteus Maximums muscle is situated in :

A. Upper Back
B. Upper front
C. Hips
D. Lower legs

Secretion of small intestine is :

A. Pepsin
B. Erepsim
C. Mucin
D. Amylase

sliding filament theory of muscles contraction was given :

A. Phthagoras
B. Darwin
C. Newton
D. Huxley

Forward inclination of the shoulder girdle is :

A. Forward bending
B. Scoliosis
C. Kyphosis
D. Cardiosis

ATP is used for Muscles contraction :

A. Primary source
B. Secondary source
C. Immediate source
D. Inermediate source

Bicusped valve is on the _____ side of heart:

A. Right
B. Left
C. Both A & B
D. none

End of stomach is :

A. Spleen
B. Pancreas
C. Duodenums
D. Esophagus

Bronchoscope is the study of :

A. Bone
B. Lungs
C. Heart
D. Bone Marrow

The live which is esophagus is called :

A. Mandibular
B. Mucoza
C. renin
D. Red Membrane

What is blood?

A. Liquid tissue
B. Blood platelets
C. Special tissues
D. Hemoglobin

The cause of postural defects:

A. Extra Diet
B. Malnutrition
C. Sickness
D. Exercise

Small intestine is how much long?

A. 2m
B. 5m
C. 6m
D. 9m

Salivary glands produces:

A. Adrenal
B. Pepsin
C. renin
D. ptyalin

Which organ contains both properties of duct and duct less:

A. Heart
B. Pancreas
C. Stomach
D. Liver

The function of long bones in human body:

A. To give strength
B. To give Support
C. To provide base
D. Work as lever

Extensors of the hand situated :

A. arm
B. Leg
C. Chest
D. Shoulder

Study of mind is :

A. Myology
B. Anthrophmetry
C. Psychology
D. Histology

Lumber Vertebrae are :

A. 5
B. 8
C. 10
D. 12

Splenic artery gives blood to :

A. Spleen
B. Pancreas
C. Stomach
D. Heart

Artries contains ______ kind of blood?

A. Thin
B. Thick
C. Both A & B
D. none

How many layer are there in the heart:

A. 3
B. 5
C. 7
D. 9

Which one of the following is a joint of reciprocal innervations?

A. Saddle joint
B. Hinge joint
C. Ball & socket joint
D. Pivot joint

Dibates takes place in the body when your______ is not properly working.

A. Spleen
B. Pancreas
C. Heart
D. Liver

Which joint is an example of Hinge joint:

A. Elbow
B. Neck
C. Ankle
D. Shoulder

Blood gets oxygenated in :

A. Heart
B. Lungs
C. Artries
D. Nerves

Force generation but the fiber lengthening is called :

A. Ecentric contraction
B. concentric contraction
C. Isotonic contraction
D. Isometric contraction

Hunch back is also known :

A. Back pain
B. Scoliosis
C. Lordosis
D. Kyphosis

The path of an object projected free air space is known as :

A. speed
B. Abnormal curve
C. velocity
D. parabola

Duration is a measure of :

A. Distance
B. Displacement
C. Force
D. Time

First law of motion is called :

A. Law of action & reaction
B. Law of inertia
C. Law of conservation
D. Law of transference

Exo skelton involves :

A. covring of skin, hair,nails
B. Bones & cartilage
C. long bones only
D. short bones

Metacarpals and Phalanges are example of :

A. Saddle joint
B. Hing joint
C. Condyloid joint
D. Gliding joint

Halliculusbrevis Muscles are in :

A. foot
B. Shoulder
C. Arm
D. Hand

Vasterslateralis muscles are in :

A. leg
B. Foot
C. Arm
D. Shoulder

Bones are also called :

A. Osteoblast
B. Osteocytes
C. Osteoclast
D. Osteoprosis

Which of the following is Associated with Rickets:

A. Knowck Knee
B. Odema
C. Abrasion
D. Oegion chest

The Study of the bones is called :

A. Ontology
B. Osteology
C. Myology
D. Synovialgy

Muscles types can be determined by :

A. Use of Biopsy
B. Use of Barometer
C. Use of Spectrometer
D. Use of CT Scan

Hamstring Muscle Help in :

A. Extends Knee
B. Flexe Kness
C. Flexe Elbow
D. extends Elbow

Which of following is a condyloid joint:

A. Wrist joint
B. Knee joint
C. Neck joint
D. Elbow joint

Building blocks of the body is made up of :

A. Vitamins
B. Tissues
C. Proteins
D. Hemoglobin

The Amount of blood coming out of the heart during single contraction:

A. Tidal volume
B. Vital Capacity
C. Stroke Volume
D. Cardiac output

The cartilage which serves to cushion the impact of large forces on bone end is called :

A. Fibrous cartilage
B. Hyaline cartilage
C. Notch
D. Fossa

The specific function of tarsal bone is :

A. Protection
B. give strength
C. Act as lever
D. None of These

Which type of muscles are capable of resisting fatigue in a long duration Activity?

A. Deltoid
B. Fast Twitch
C. slow Twitch
D. Both A and B

Speed is indicated in :

A. KM/sec
B. CM/Hiur
C. Newton
D. Km/hour

Study of joint is called :

A. Kinesology
B. Biology
C. Anthropometry
D. Arthrology

Largest bone in the human body is :

A. Tibia
B. Fibula
C. Femur
D. Humerus

Crapo metacarpal joint is an example of :

A. Condyloid joint
B. Saddle joint
C. Ball and socket joint
D. Glidding joint

Which of the following is an example of Uniaxial joint:

A. Condyloid joint
B. Saddle joint
C. Hing joint
D. A,B both

Number of bones in Appendicular Skelton are :

A. 120
B. 180
C. 126
D. 116

Newton’s second law of motion is :

A. Law of action & reaction
B. Law of inertia
C. Law of conservation
D. Law of Momentum

Osteology is the study of :

A. Muscles
B. Bones
C. Joints
D. Nerves

Total numbers of bones in human skull :

A. 20
B. 21
C. 22
D. 23

The largest chemical factory is :

A. Liver
B. Heart
C. Pancreas
D. Pituitary Gland

Which country won the first Asian junior volleyball championship 2008?

A. Iran
B. China
C. Arabia
D. Pakistan

Which country won the second Asian junior volleyball championship 2008?

A. Iran
B. China
C. Arabia
D. Pakistan

Which country won the second Asian junior volleyball championship 2008?

A. Iran
B. China
C. Arabia
D. Pakistan

How many substitution players in volleyball game?

A. 3
B. 4
C. 5
D. 6

Which position Pakistan won in Iran on 2008?

A. 2
B. 3
C. 4
D. 5

Who were the captain of Pakistan volleyball team fourth Asian game in 1962?

A. Faiz rasool
B. Faiz ahmad
C. Faiz Muhammad
D. none of these

Who were the captain of Pakistan volleyball saif game in Calcutta 1987?

A. Mazher fareed
B. Mazhar abbas
C. Mazhar shuaib
D. Mazhar junaid

Which position Pakistan won in Calcutta on 1987?

A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4

Muscles which cause the joints to bend are called :

A. Flexor
B. Extensors
C. Abductor
D. Adductors

Sideward curvature of the spine called :

A. knock knee
B. kyphosis
C. scoliosis
D. Lordosis

The old name of volleyball?

A. mintonette
B. momintoo
C. montonete
D. none of these

When did the first Asian volleyball championship held for men?

A. 1955
B. 1999
C. 1945
D. 1950

Which Asian did make the first member of international volleyball federation?

A. narran
B. arabia
C. labnan
D. asia

Where did start the Asian federation of volleyball?

A. munila
B. maila
C. Rosia
D. Japan

Where did the first Asian volleyball championship held for men?

A. Japan
B. Switzerland
C. Tokyo
D. none of these

When did include the volleyball in Asian game?

A. 1958
B. 1957
C. 1956
D. 1959

When did the Pakistan won the silver medal in siaf game?

A. 1989
B. 1980
C. 1990
D. 1987

When did the first time of volleyball international competition held in Pakistan?

A. 1963
B. 1962
C. 1964
D. 1961

When was the Pakistan volleyball federation formed?

A. 12-Jan-55
B. 13-Jan-88
C. 13-Jan-55
D. 11-Jan-40

Where did the first time of volleyball international competition held in Pakistan?

A. Lahore
B. Islamabad
C. Multan
D. Karachi

How is the serving team chosen?

A. referee choice
B. first team to catch the ball
C. a coin toss
D. none of these

When did the first international championship held for female?

A. 1949
B. 1950
C. 1952
D. 1951

When did the first international championship held for men?

A. 1949
B. 1950
C. 1952
D. 1951

Terms associated with volleyball :

A. shooting, kicking, knocking
B. penalty kick, side kick, goal kick
C. blocking, dubling, holding
D. none of these

Which country won the more titles of woman in international volleyball competition?

A. Pakistan
B. Japan
C. Russian
D. China

The first time of volleyball game had been included in which olympic games?

A. 1949
B. 1964
C. 1952
D. 1951

Tell that player name who won the four time olympic meddles?

A. Innav ryscal
B. jeseph
C. jecoo
D. kibrosia

Which country won the more titles of woman and men in international volleyball competition?

A. Pakistan
B. Japan
C. Russia
D. China

In Initial years, how many were player in volleyball game?

A. 14
B. 12
C. 15
D. 16

When did start the Asian federation of volleyball?

A. 1053
B. 1954
C. 1955
D. 1903

At whose request, will the line judges repeat the signal?

A. second referee
B. first referee
C. scorer
D. line judges

What its mean if the flag upward?

A. ball in
B. ball out
C. both a, b
D. none of these

What its mean if the flag down?

A. ball in
B. ball out
C. both a, b
D. none of these

Who is responsible of whistling?

A. First referee
B. second referee
C. scorer
D. both A, B

Who’s responsible for service?

A. First referee
B. second referee
C. scorer
D. both A, B

Where was volleyball created?

A. holyoke
B. tokyo
C. jappan
D. hongkong

When was volleyball created?

A. 2004
B. 1912
C. 1895
D. 1896

Who is responsible any team application accept or non accept?

A. First referee
B. second referee
C. both a, b
D. scorer

Who is responsible indicate the end of rally?

A. First referee
B. second referee
C. both a, b
D. scorer

Volleyball is game of :

A. indoor
B. outdoor
C. both a, b
D. none of these

Where did the beach volleyball Olympics?

A. Sudan
B. Canada
C. British
D. Sidney

When did beach volleyball become part of the Olympics?

A. 1789
B. 2022
C. 2012
D. 1996

When did start the three touches in volleyball?

A. 1934
B. 1874
C. 1890
D. 1920

Tennis net measurement is :

A. 5’5″
B. 4’4″
C. 6’6″
D. 3’3″

In initial years, Which had the net been use for volleyball?

A. rod net
B. mashes net
C. volley net
D. tennis net

Line judges control the line :

A. side line
B. end line
C. a, b
D. none of these

How do line judges indicate foot fault?

A. By flag
B. by whistle
C. by sirran
D. by loud voice

Who is incharge of end line?

A. First referee
B. scorer
C. assistant scorer
D. line judges

When does the line judges point out?

A. Fell out the court
B. fell into court
C. touch antenna
D. All of these

Which was the position of Pakistan fifth Asian competition on 1991 in colombo?

A. Gold medal
B. silver medal
C. both a, b
D. none of these

Which was the position of Pakistan fourth Asian competition on 1989 in Islamabad?

A. Gold medal
B. silver medal
C. both a, b
D. none of these

Which two countries played volleyball final in 2006 of female?

A. Brazil and Poland
B. Brazil and Russia
C. Poland and Pakistan
D. none of these

Which two countries played volleyball final in 2006 of men?

A. Brazil and Poland
B. Brazil and chishni
C. Poland and Pakistan
D. none of these

When did start the setting and spiking in volleyball?

A. 1916
B. 1934
C. 1924
D. none of these

When did specific ball design for volleyball :

A. 1903
B. 1904
C. 1900
D. 2021

Who’s won the world championship volleyball in 2006 of females?

A. Sidney
B. Brazil
C. India
D. Russia

Who’s won the world championship volleyball in 2006 of men?

A. Sidney
B. Brazil
C. India
D. Pakistan

Beach volleyball court measurement is :

A. 8mx8m
B. 8cmx8m
C. 8mx9m
D. 4x5m

How many team players in beach volleyball?

A. 2
B. 3
C. 4
D. 5

Which is correct :

A. Volleyball
B. vollybal
C. voliball
D. none of these

Which uniform color can use in volleyball match?

A. red
B. yellow
C. blue
D. all of these

Who is President of FVB?

A. Ch.M yaqoob
B. Ch.DR.ishaq
C. both a, b
D. none of these

FVB head quarter is in :

A. Karachi
B. Lahore
C. Islamabad
D. Quetta

When did Pakistan volleyball team participate in Asian junior competition?

A. 1873
B. 1986
C. 1984
D. none of these

The Pakistan volleyball team won which medal in colombo 2006 10th south Asia game?

A. bronze medal
B. silver madel
C. gold medal
D. none of these

The final match of volleyball was played between which two teams held in Islamabad 2006 ninth south Asia game:

A. India and Pakistan
B. serilinka and india
C. qatar and bangladaish
D. none of these

What was the position of Pakistan volleyball team held in Islamabad ninth south Asian competition 2004?

A. 2nd
B. 3rd
C. 1st
D. 4rth

Which country Pakistan with played held in mudaris seventh Assian compitition 1995?

A. India and Pakistan
B. Srilanka and India
C. Qatar and Bangladesh
D. none of these

In six Asian competition Which country by lost, Pakistan won the gold medal in Dhaka 1993?

A. Pakistan
B. India
C. Africa
D. Australia

Who is keep Libro player name and his number record?

A. Assistant scorer
B. scorer
C. first referee
D. second referee

Whom is sign on the control sheet?

A. Scorer
B. assistant scorer
C. referee
D. second referee

Who makes of Libro’s control sheet?

A. Scorer
B. assistant scorer
C. referee
D. second referee

Who keeps of Libro player changes record?

A. Scorer
B. assistant scorer
C. referee
D. second referee

How many line judges in volleyball?

A. 4
B. 3
C. 2
D. 1

Location of line judges :

A. Stands at the intersection of end line and side line
B. stand near the score
C. stand out side the court
D. stand near the net

How many line judges use in FIVB?

A. 2
B. 4
C. 5
D. 1

Line judges stand away from the free zone?

A. 1-2 m
B. 1-3m
C. 1-1m
D. 1-4m

Volleyball ball color is :

A. White
B. Red
C. Black
D. none of these

Maximum weight of ball :

A. 280g
B. 262g
C. 261g
D. 260g

Second referee is responsibilities in volleyball :

A. Administering Substitution
B. verbally communication with team coaches
C. concerned with matters such as keeping time
D. all of these

Second referee is the assistant of :

A. coach
B. referee
C. captain
D. scorer

Who is control the scorer’s work?

A. First referee
B. scorer
C. second referee
D. none of these

Health rehabilitation time is :

A. 4 mints
B. 5 mints
C. 3 mints
D. 2 mints

Who is control the warm up area players?

A. First referee
B. second referee
C. scorer
D. coach

Who is check the front zone surface?

A. First referee
B. second referee
C. scorer
D. none of these

Who is control the penalty area players?

A. First referee
B. scorer
C. second referee
D. none of these

Who is write the final result in volleyball game?

A. Assistant scorer
B. scorer
C. first referee
D. second referee

Who is allowed to play the whistle during the game?

A. Assistant scorer
B. captain
C. line judge
D. assistant referee

Location of first referee is :

A. Free zone
B. service zone
C. back zone
D. front zone

Which time, Does referee play the whistle :

A. End of the rally
B. Game start time
C. The ball out of the play
D. all of these

Who does control the match?

A. referee
B. coach
C. captain
D. scorer

How many calories are found in red meat?

A. 400
B. 300
C. 200
D. 100

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