Sea Ports in Pakistan

Important sea ports in Pakistan MCQs for one paper and competitive exams test preparation online.

Sea Ports in Pakistan MCQs

How many seaports are there in Pakistan?
  1. 4
  2. 3
  3. 5
  4. 2
When was Gwadar re-annexed to Pakistan?
  1. 1948
  2. 1961
  3. 1956
  4. 1973
  5. 1958
Keti Bandar Port is located in———–?
  1. Punjab
  2. Sindh
  3. Baluchistan
  4. KPK
Sea Belong to Pakistan is?
  1. Yellow Sea
  2. Arabian Sea
  3. Sea of Okhotsk
  4. Red Sea
Gwadar port is in the province of
  1. Sindh
  2. Balochistan
  3. KPK
  4. Punjab
Quaid e Azam remained President of Muslim League for how many year?
  1. 35
  2. 38
  3. 36
  4. 34
Gwadar is located in the _________?
  1. Punjab
  2. Sindh
  3. Kyber Paktunkhawa
  4. Balochistan
which country had the possession of Gwader before Pakistan?
  1. Iran
  2. Oman
  3. UAE
  4. India
Pakistan purchase Gwader from
  1. Oman
  2. India
  3. China
  4. Uk
Gwadar remained under Oman’s rule under —– years
  1. 174
  2. 66
  3. 75
  4. 55
The Arabian Sea lies in the ____ of Pakistan?
  1. North
  2. South
  3. East
  4. West
Gwadar officially became part of Pakistan in
  1. 1956
  2. 1958
  3. 1960
  4. 1668
Pakistan has a 1046-kilometer coastline located along the:
  1. Arabian sea
  2. Gwadar
  3. Golf
  4. Iran
Port Qasim is located in?
  1. Karachi
  2. Multan
  3. Baluchistan
  4. None
Which country offered access to Pakistani ports in March 2021?
  1. Azerbaijan
  2. Uzbekistan
  3. Tajikistan
  4. None of these
Ormara port is in which province
  1. Baluchistan
  2. KPK
  3. Sindh
  4. Punjab
Gawadar is a part of which province ?
  1. Baluchistan
  2. Sindh
  3. Punjab
  4. None
Gawadar Sea Port is in which sea?
  1. North sea
  2. Baltic sea
  3. Red sea
  4. Arabian sea
Deepest port of Pakistan is
  1. Gwadar
  2. Pasni
  3. Horber
  4. None
Pasni port is located in
  1. Balochistan
  2. KPK
  3. GB
  4. Punjab
What is the old name of Bin Qasim ____?
  1. Neroon
  2. Debal
  3. Pepri
  4. All
The oldest seaport of Pakistan is :
  1. Karachi Port
  2. Port Qasim
  3.  Gwadar
  4. Pasni
Pakistan purchased Gwadar from Muscat in;
  1. 1956
  2. 1957
  3. 1958
  4. 1959
Gwadar was built with the help of which country
  1. China
  2. Russia
  3. Japan
  4. India
Where is the French Beach located?
  1.  Karachi
  2. Paris
  3. Jiwani
  4. Gwadar
Pakistan purchased Gwadar port from which country?
  1. Oman
  2. Saudi Arabia
  3. Qatar
  4. UAE
Which is the busiest seaport of Pakistan?
  1.  Gwadar
  2.  Karachi Port
  3. Bin Qasim
  4. None of these

Sea Ports paly an important role in Economy of any country. All these sea ports in Pakistan MCQs will assist student in their one paper mcqs test preparation.

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